On the Midnight Watch...

On the Midnight Watch I Realized

Night watches are a wonderful time to reflect on life. Yes, you are on watch, which entails approximately 5 minutes each hour of real focus with 55 minutes to realize truths in your life. For me it is a spectrum of thoughts that appear.

The odd: I have always preferred a port tack on night watch. Why? That is something that still eludes me.

The practical: "Did I forget my mothers-in-law’ birthday yesterday".

The philosophical: Try and always do good things in life as it is more enjoyable to reflect on the good than the bad at times like these.

Lost friends: They like to visit in the quiet of a midnight passage. This reminds me of a book that ends "I am haunted by waters". Look it up, and yes, the book is better than the movie, sorry Brad.

The best line from the best song based on sailing: "When you see the Southern Cross for the first time, you understand now why you came this way". I saw it for the first time on a night passage and yes, I knew then why I came this way.

Well, it's now time for me to perform my 5 minutes of actual work here. Running south 300 miles out of Wreck Bay, Galápagos. 9th of September 2020



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