Did You Hear the Ocean Singing

A magical thing about sailing far from shore is the space one has to live in a moment. Tonight Gargoyle is sailing lightly downwind. Arcturus lights our wake as the moon makes a sky full of high clouds glow. A playlist of favorites make a perfect accompaniment to the soft background of the wind, wave and sail. If one could dream a perfect night at sea, this is it.

Stretched out in the cockpit, the genoa softly red against the sky, I pinch myself. Is this real? Am I dreaming? No, Iā€™m living this moment with nothing else on my mind to distract me. No meetings tomorrow, no one depending on me to show up this weekend, nothing. Just an endless sea stretched out ahead, full of possibility.

I sit back. Breathe . El Cerrito Place plays, softly. Miles silently slide under our keel, destination forgotten for the pure joy of the journey.

250nm out of Fakarava, exactly where I am meant to be. And yes, I am singing along.


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